Our most challenging event yet

As Halifax, Nova Scotia grows and becomes more and more capable of hosting large events, particularly with the opening of the Halifax Convention Centre in late 2017, we find that we’re working on events with larger and more unique scopes. It’s challenging, and we love it!

Loblaw Companies Limited LogoIn early 2020, Halifax welcomed the Loblaw’s National Kick-Off which took over most of the event facilities and hotels in the downtown core.  We began working with the large team responsible for bringing Loblaws’ 2020 National Kick-Off in 2016, but the scope of Global’s role continued to grow well into 2019. From material handling to printing signage and branding, Global was involved in bringing the event to life in 5 facilities.

We successfully executed this large, multi-faceted event thanks to the experienced support of all our branches, from coast to coast.


One of the greatest highlights from the planning and execution of this event was working with the Loblaw marketing team to bring their event branding to life in 3 facilities; the Halifax Convention Centre, Cunard Centre and Pier 21. Loblaw had a unique, ambitious and overall fantastic vision from the onset, so our signage team knew it would likely become our largest branding endeavour yet, which it did!           

We took more measurements, pictures, and die lines for NKO than for any single event we’ve ever done, and that’s because we applied vinyl to more surfaces than any other event we’ve ever done. Thankfully, we were able to leverage our relationships with our awesome facility partners, who provided us the access we needed to provide the best service possible to our client.

This is one of the reasons why we love Halifax! The whole city comes together in support of events. We do whatever we can, and help each other however we can, in support of what’s best for the city and for our clients.

Custom Face-Mounted Vinyl Window Wrap

We certainly couldn’t have pulled it off as smoothly without the support from our partners, nor without the assistance of our network of branches throughout Canada. Being able to pull key resources (staff and inventory) from our branches on the east and west coasts, as well as central Canada gave us a massive boost. It also gave us the opportunity to catch up with our awesome Global team, in person!



  • Account management
  • Exhibitor services
  • Material handling
  • Vehicle marshalling
  • Trade show setup
  • Vinyl graphic production + installation
  • Signage production + installation


Be sure to check out our “Branding Gallery” for more photos of our work on this event!