Company Updates

Our First Show Since March 2020

After months of inactivity in the events industry as a result of the pandemic, we are pleased to have just executed one of the first, if not THE first, consumer and/or trade show in BC since March!

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Covid-19 Policies-Blog-Cover
Company Updates

Our COVID-19 Operational Policies and Procedures

As strongly as we believe the return of events is crucial to the recover of our industry, we also believe that the safety of our staff, exhibitors, delegates and partners always comes first. The following is an overview of the policies and procedures we have put in place with this very priority in mind.

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Event Branding

Our most challenging event yet

As Halifax, Nova Scotia grows and becomes more and more capable of hosting large events, particularly with the opening of the Halifax Convention Centre in late 2017, we find that we’re working on events with larger and more unique scopes. It’s challenging, and we love it!

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