Our COVID-19 Operational Policies and Procedures

Covid-19 Policies-Blog-Cover
As strongly as we believe the return of events is crucial to the recover of our industry, we also believe that the safety of our staff, exhibitors, delegates and partners always comes first. The following is an overview of the policies and procedures we have put in place with this very priority in mind.

As we continue to work with varying clients and partners on trade shows, special events and other custom orders, we continue to adapt and learn how best to operate in these challenging and ever-changing times.

All staff are required to have the following PPE:

  • Steel toe boots
  • Face mask
  • Gloves


Important Sanitation Notices

  • Disinfectant and cleaning supplies will be made available at the exhibitor services desk, with the dock manager and in the job box.
  • Staff must maintain physical distancing at all times, as well as abide by all directional signage posted throughout the facility. Face masks must be worn inside at all times.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting requirements will be determined by the onsite supervisor in accordance with facility/venue requirements. Compliance will be checked regularly by onsite supervisor. 


Global staff must adhere to the following policies and procedures at all times:


Staff Arrival Procedures

  • All staff travelling in the same vehicle must wear a face covering, since 6ft distance cannot be maintained.
  • All staff must meet outside the venue to be briefed on COVID-19 procedures before entering site as each facility/venue may have specific requirements.
  • Prior to beginning work, all staff must complete the COVID-19 Employee Questionnaire and forward to HR. HR will provide direction in the event staff answered “YES” to any of the questions. If at any point staff begin to experience any of the noted symptoms, staff will be asked to go home immediately and contact HR.
  • All staff must sign in with their name, date and time, prior to entering the building.
  • Staff refusing to wear PPE and/or safely following Global and facility policies will be refused work.


Staff On-Site Procedures

  • Sanitize/wash hands upon entry into the HEC, and regularly while onsite.
  • Every staff member’s onsite hours must be recorded by the onsite supervisor.
  • Staff will be designated to work in small groups independently of other groups.
  • Breaks will be staggered and designated by your onsite supervisor.
  • After taking a break and/or having lunch, staff must disinfect any and all surfaces used.
  • Staff must complete frequent disinfecting of all equipment, such as carts, pallet jacks and service desk.
  • Global will work with the facility to allocate a location for all carts. Staff must wipe down all cart handles prior to distributing carts to exhibitors.
  • Onsite supervisor must designate a garbage bag and/or can beside the service desk for the safe disposal of any used cleaning products. All garbage bags must be taken back to the Global warehouse to be disposed of.
  • All used drape must be carefully folded or placed on its frame, then labeled with the appropriate event and date, and brought back to the warehouse to be quarantined for 72 hours.
  • All hard surfaces to be sanitized before removing them from the booth space.
  • Exhibitors must exit their booth upon arrival of a global staff member or contractor when work is required in their specific booth space.
  • Booth spaces will not be dismantled until the exhibitor has vacated the space.


Venue Equipment Procedures

  • Venue equipment will be limited to essential use and permitted only by the venue.
  • If use of equipment is permitted, all hard surfaces must be disinfected after use. Please ensure facility/venue procedures are also followed if required.
  • The supervisor must designate and clearly label an area required for rental equipment required to be cleaned.
  • All equipment to be cleaned and/or quarantined for 72 hours before returning to rental inventory.


Material Handing and Dock Manager Procedures 

  • All materials arriving from Global warehouse will be distributed by designated staff only.
  • Dock Managers are required to check in all materials arriving to the venue.
  • Dock Managers to collect contact information for delivery.


On-Site Exhibitor Services Procedures

  • Exhibitor service desks must be outfitted with a plexiglass barrier.
  • Exhibitor service desk to be set up in an open area allowing for social distancing in lineups.
  • All commonly touched surfaces must be sanitized regularly, including Plexiglass barriers
  • POS machines must be sanitized after each use.
  • Hand Sanitizer must be provided and used by each customer upon approaching the service desk.
  • Exhibitors must exit their booth upon arrival of a Global staff member or contractor when work is required in their specific booth space.